Maria Quiñones Sánchez

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Say NO to the Sprinker Bill


Now at | Our goal: 10,000 signatures

Bill 220299 would require every owner of a Center City high rise unit, apartment or condo, to pay between $25,000 and $50,000 to install a private sprinkler system. Owners would have to move out for months. These costs will be passed through to tenants, increasing housing prices in a city that’s struggling to remain affordable. This bill is not about public safety. This is part of the corrupt system in Philadelphia: somebody needs work … and all of the rest of us should pay for it.

“This bill would create a completely unnecessary financial burden on residents, particularly seniors and those on a fixed income, and would force people out of their homes. For 12 years, and as Chair of Licenses & Inspections, I opposed this onerous bill and others like it and would veto it as Mayor. Join me in standing up to corruption. Sign this petition and get your voice heard!” ~ Maria Quiñones Sánchez

“Landlord groups are lining up to oppose the bill, and the Greater Philadelphia Association of Realtors (GPAR) has already loaded its guns in opposition.” ~ Broad & Liberty

“Critics say it would be prohibitively expensive and disruptive to the lives of residents. They also claim it was introduced for the benefit of the sprinkler fitters union.” ~ Philadelphia Inquirer

“Brett Scioli, general manager of Society Hill Towers … insisted it would cost roughly $20 million to install automatic sprinklers in the three buildings he oversees, a price tag that would potentially displace some renters and condo owners, some of whom live on a fixed income.” ~

Hi, I’m Maria Quiñones Sánchez, candidate for Mayor of Philadelphia. I’ve been working on Philly’s frontlines for 30 years, 14 years on City Council. As Philadelphia’s Accountability Mayor, I will make sure that every city leader and every city department is working to make Philadelphia safer and more affordable. 

Join me in standing up to corruption. Sign this petition and get your voice heard!